Comprehensive legal support services with high responsibility


Extensive experience and know-how in real estate law

We undertake the whole process of buying and selling your property, in Rhodes, Symi and Patmos, until the signing of the final contract.


We are by your side at every step of the process, for the legal and technical inspection of the property, the payment of taxes and for the opening of bank accounts.


In Greece and especially in the Dodecanese, the purchase of a property and the construction of a building are complicated cases, in which professionals with opposite interests and goals. Our experienced lawyers, at CHRISTODOULOU IOANNIS & PARTNERS in Rhodes, know very well this professional environment and they can safeguard your interests.


Our extensive experience and know-how in real estate law, allows us to protect the interests of our clients and claim solutions with the lowest possible cost of time and money. We work steadily with responsible and recognized partners of all specialties, such as engineers, notaries and accountants, in order to address the complexity and intense emotions that govern these cases, with personalized and advantageous solutions.

It often happens that real estate agents propose to prospective buyers of a property the lawyer, who will represent them throughout the complicated process of buying a property in Greece. This tactic, however, creates problems and often complicates situations, since interests are involved and the lawyer is in a very difficult position when he has to claim his client's rights from people who recommended him or who offered him the deal. For this reason, when buying property in Greece, it is advisable to choose a lawyer who is not related to any of the parties.
So, in a purchase and sale, your lawyer should not be related to either the seller of the property, either the broker, either the lawyer of the bank.